Net Control Preamble - Net Closing


This is the weekly 2-meter FM voice net for the KC Northland Amateur Radio Emergency Service

This net operates at 7:00 pm every Tuesday on the 146.79 repeater with a PL tone of 107.2 and is an informational service offered by Northland ARES, any licensed amateur wishing to check in is welcome. Membership in the group is not required but is recommended for anyone wishing to participate in the group's activities.  Membership information is available on the group's website at

At this time, we will take check-ins for emergency traffic.

(pause for emergency traffic check-ins)


Do we have any relays for emergency traffic?

(pause for emergency traffic check-ins)


Do we have anyone who will Log for Net Control (

(pause for a volunteer to offer to log for you, Provide them the Net-Control No.)


  Do we have anyone willing to be Backup Net Control

  (pause for a volunteer)


Now taking check-ins with written or relays of written traffic.

(pause for check-ins with written traffic)

We will now take all other check-ins to the net. Please give your callsign, first name, and location and indicate if you have any traffic or announcements for the net.

Call Net Control


   *** NET CLOSING ***

   This has been the weekly 2-meter FM voice net for the KC Northland Amateur Radio Emergency Service.  Our thanks to the members of the group and others who checked in this evening.  We would also like to thank the Clay County Amateur Radio Club, its members, and trustees for the use of this repeater for this and other events in which we participate.


   This is W0KCN closing the net and returning the repeater to routine amateur practice.


W0KCN clear.



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