Welome to the Amateur Radio Family


Ask a Ham! Click HERE to email a member of the group with any amateur radio or Northland ARES-related question. Members of the group are happy to help anyone with an amateur radio questions.


*FCC LICENSE SEARCH http://wireless.fcc.gov.uls will display your call sign before you can legally operate.

*NORTHLAND ARES (W0KCN) http://www.kcnorthares.org 146.79 Mhz -600 PL107.2 Tuesday evening voice net. Meets every 4th Thursday at 7pm of each month at Smithville Fire House at 341 Park Drive, Smithville Mo or virtual meetings on Zoom see the website for the link. Also sponsors a digital training net on Sunday evenings at 8pm on 147.330 Mhz +600 PL 151.4. All check ins are welcome. And sponsors mentorship for new hams, check website for lists of mentors and email addresses for questions or concerns.

*PLATTE COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO GROUP (NR0AD) http://www.pcarg.org Tuesday evening voice net on 147.330 Mhz +600 PL 151.4 and meets on 4th Saturday of the month at Northland Regional Ambulance District or NRAD 1000 Platte Falls Road, Platte City, Mo. 64079 at 9am in person or virtual. Check website for virtual info. Offers testing on even months.

*CLAY COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (W0TE) http://qsl.net has a 10 meter voice net on 28.325 Mhz Tuesday at 7:30pm and 2 meter voice net on 146.79 Mhz -600 PL 107.2 Wednesdays at 7:30 pm.

*OTHER RADIO CLUBS INFO http://n0onn.info (November Zero Oscar November November)

*LARRYSLIST sign up at http://larryslist.info, has information on amateur radio events, repeaters, emails for hams, and other valuable resources.

*KC HAMLINK http://kchamlink.org has valuable information for new hams, check their FirstStep information.

*AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE (ARRL) http://arrl.org is the National Association for Amateur Radio in the USA. Information for licensing, education, training, regulatory and advocacy, technology, etc.

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