KC Northland ARES News

The ARRL letter January 26, 2017

comments (29705)
Posted by wa0khp


  • Amateur Radio Parity Act Speeds to US House Passage, Heads to US Senate
  • New FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Praises House Action on H.R. 555, Other Telecoms Bills
  • CEPT Meeting Makes Progress on WRC-19 Agenda Items Affecting Amateur Radio
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • Time to Order ARRL November Sweepstakes Clean Sweep Mugs, Participation Pins!
  • Second Annual Midwinter 630-Meter Activity Night Set for February 4-5
  • CIA Declassified Database Includes Information about Soviet-Era Amateur Radio
  • US Naval Academy HFsat Coordinated for 15- Meter to 10-Meter Transponder
  • FEMA Region X Reports Another Successful HF Interoperability Exercise
  • Tickets Now Available for Dayton DX, Top Band, and Contest Dinners
  • New Mexico Radio Amateur Marks 80 Years as a Licensee
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions  
  • To read full letter, go to:  http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/?issue=2017-01-26
  • read full post

    The ARRL Letter January 19, 2017

    comments (18041)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • New "Amateur Radio Parity Act" Bill Introduced in US House of Representatives
  • ARRL Asks FCC to Allocate New 5 MHz Band, Retain Channels and Current Power Limit
  • ARRL Board of Directors to Meet in Connecticut
  • Hamvention Ready to Deal with Anticipated Traffic Flow at New Venue
  • Hams Upset as New Hotel Owner Wants Repeaters Removed from Roof
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • ARRL Reintroduces a Popular Classic -- Experimental Methods in RF Design
  • Maxim Memorial Station W1AW Receives Equipment Donations
  • Nebraska Sesquicentennial Celebration QSO Party Set for February, March
  • German Regulator Acts on More than 6,000 Instances of Radio Interference in 2016
  • Ulrich Rohde, N1UL, Recognized for Pioneering Work on SDR
  • Harry K. Wolf, W6NKT, SK at 107; May Have Been World's Oldest Active Radio Amateur
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read full letter, go to:   http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/?issue=2017-01-19
  • read full post

    The ARRL ARES E-Letter January 18, 2017

    comments (33520)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • Western Pennsylvania Group to Participate in Winter Field Day
  • Oregon ARES/RACES: New On-Line Training Programs
  • DMR Growing in Ohio
  • Two-Meter Simplex Net Standard Protocol in Vermont
  • Spotlight: Virginia Section ARES --Cooperation/Coordination Key to Success
  • Letters: Noise in the EOC
  • Letters: Clark County, Washington ARES Protocols; EYEWARNProgram
  • K1CE For a Final
  • To read full letter, go to:    www.arrl.org/FandES/field/ares-el/?issue=2017-01-18
  • read full post

    The ARRL letter January 12, 2017

    comments (15639)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • Illegal Drone Transmitters Could Interfere with Air Traffic Control, ARRL Complaint Asserts
  • FCC Dismisses Two Petitions from Radio Amateurs
  • President Obama Renominates FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel
  • Nevada ARES Stands Down as Flood Threat Abates
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • New Digital Modes Gain Traction for Moonbounce, but Occasionally Show Up on HF
  • Radio Club of America Announces New "Wireless Women" Section on Website
  • The Yasme Foundation Announces Excellence Awards, Supporting Grants
  • Warm Up with the January VHF Contest, January 21-23
  • Winter Field Day is Just Ahead
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Getting It Right!
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Convenstion
  • To read full letter, go to:    http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/?issue=2017-01-12
  • read full post

    The ARRL letter January 05, 2017

    comments (15277)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • FEMA Interoperability Exercise Deemed a Success, Monthly Exercises Set for 2017
  • 630 Meters Becoming a "Mainstream" Amateur Band, Experiment Coordinator Says
  • FCC Denies Expert Linears' Request for Waiver of 15 dB Rule, Petition Pending
  • Philippines' Ham Emergency Radio Operations Net Activates for Super Typhoon
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • Boy Scouts' Radio Merit Badge Requirements to Include Amateur Radio Direction Finding Option
  • QCWA Donation to Support ARISS Hardware Upgrade
  • ARRL Education & Technology Program Offers Grants to Four Schools
  • HamSCI Members Showcase Amateur Radio-Related Research at AGU Fall Meeting
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead on Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read full letter, go to:   http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/?issue=2017-01-05
  • read full post
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