KC Northland ARES News

The ARRL Letter September 29 2016

comments (1618)
Posted by wa0khp


  • ARRL Acting as Catalyst in College Radio Club Revitalization Campaign
  • Amateur Radio Volunteers Go on Alert during Major Puerto Rico Power Outage
  • Amateur Radio Credited with Role in Helping Injured Cyclist
  • "Cows Over the World" DXpedition is "Permantly QRT," KC0W Says
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • Rules Released for New ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest
  • ARRL Outgoing QSL Service to Raise Rates
  • ARRL Foundation Invites Scholarship Applications for 2017-18 Academic Year
  • ARRL Announces Club Competition Changes
  • More than 200 US Stations Signed Up for Scouting's Jamboree on the Air
  • Retired Librarian Who Was Maine's First Woman Radio Amateur Turns 108
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • In Brief...
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read full letter, to to:   http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/?issue=2016-09-29


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    The ARRL Letter September 22 2016

    comments (6)
    Posted by wa0khp


    September 22, 2016
    ARRL Home Page   ARRL Letter Archive   Audio News



    To read full letter, go to:     http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/?issue=2016-09-22

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    The ARRL E Letter September 21, 2016

    comments (7)
    Posted by wa0khp


    To read full letter, go to:   http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/ares-el/?issue=2016-09-21


    read full post

    The ARRL Letter September 15 2016

    comments (2)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • Amateur Radio Parity Act Passes in the US House of Representatives!
  • Higher Bands Will Pick Up this Fall, Data Suggest Smaller Solar Cycles Lie Ahead
  • Lunar-Orbiting Ham Radio Satellite Could Result from NASA Cube Quest Challenge
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • ARDF Team USA Enjoys Success in Bulgaria
  • ARRL Honors Veteran Section Manager Upon Her Retirement
  • Radio Club of America Announces 2016 Awards, Fellows
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read full letter, go to:  http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/?issue=2016-09-15
  • read full post

    The ARRL Letter September 08 2016

    comments (2)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • Amateur Radio Volunteers on US East Coast Were Ready for Hermine
  • SpaceX Falcon 9 Failure Prompts Postponement of Fox-1Cliff and Fox-1D Integration
  • More Countries Act on 60 Meter Amateur Allocations
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • Gold! NPOTA Activation Set from Alaska's Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park
  • ISS Expedition 48 Commander Jeff Williams, KD5TVQ, Breaks Time-on-Station Record
  • ARRL September VHF Contest is September 10-12
  • Search is On for Illegal 10 Meter GPS Buoys
  • "Frequency Crunch" is ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference Sunday Seminar Topic
  • NASA's CubeSat Launch Initiative Opens Space to Educators, Nonprofits
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read the full letter, go to:   

    To post a message to all the list members, send email directly to <lstaples@kc.rr.com>
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    The ARRL Letter September 01 2016

    comments (4)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • FCC Proposes Substantial Fine for Unlicensed Amateur Operation, False Police Call
  • Hurricane Watch Net Activates for Hermine, Hawaii Dodges Madeline, SKYWARN Eyes Lester
  • Team USA Attending World Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • ARRL CEO Urges New York City-Area Hams to Join Him as Marathon Volunteer
  • Application Window Now Open for Prospective ISS Ham Radio Contact Hosts
  • Nominations Open for the George Hart Distinguished Service Award
  • Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) Stations Encouraged to Register and File Post-Event Reports
  • FO-29 Satellite Turns 20
  • Ham Radio Outlet Refurbishes, Reopens Former AES Milwaukee Location
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read full letter. go to:  http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/?issue=2016-09-01
  • read full post
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