KC Northland ARES News

The ARRL Letter August 25, 2016

comments (3)
Posted by wa0khp


  • Amateur Radio Volunteers Assisting in Italian Earthquake Response
  • Louisiana Amateur Radio Emergency Service Volunteers Stand Down
  • DX Engineering's Tim Duffy, K3LR: New Fairgrounds Venue "Perfect for Hamvention"
  • Leadership Challenges Set in ARRL Rocky Mountain, Southeastern Divisions
  • Summer ARRL Section Manager Election Results Announced
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • NPOTA Event at Lewis and Clark National Historical Park Will Include Space Station Contact
  • California RACES and CERT Volunteers Team Up to Assist Seniors during Blackout
  • Three Companies Agree to Plead Guilty for Fixing Prices of Electrolytic Capacitors
  • "Come, Let Us Talk Together" -- Ham Contact Recalls Royal Telegraph Exchange
  • In Brief
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read full letter, go to:    http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter?issue=2016-08-25
  • read full post

    The ARRL Letter August 18, 2016

    comments (6)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • Amateur Radio Volunteers Respond to Louisiana Flooding Catastrophe
  • ARRL Encourages Comprehensive Noise Floor Study
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • Comments in FCC "Symbol Rate" Rule Making Proposal Due by October 11
  • Come One, Come All: The ARRL Rookie Roundup RTTY is August 21!
  • FEMA Teaming with Amateur Radio Clubs to Present Preparedness Information
  • Now Free of HAARP, US Air Force Still Wants to Tinker with the Ionosphere
  • BIRDS CubeSat Constellation to Launch in 2017
  • Es'hailSat-2 Launch Reset for 2017
  • RSGB "Deeply Disappointed" in Regulator's Attitude toward Amateur Radio in 5 GHz Proceeding
  • Annual IOTA DXpedition Morphs into Visit to Rare One -- Aves Island
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read full letter, go to:    http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter?issue=2016-08-18
  • read full post

    The ARRL ARES E Letter August 17, 2016

    comments (4)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • Spotlight: Boulder, Colorado ARES - A Juggernaut
  • Letters: Lesson Learned - Mag Mounts, Not So Much
  • California RACES/CERT Personnel Assist Seniors During Blackout
  • Letters: Local Simplex Contests Out There?
  • K4CJX to Chair a Regional Auxiliary Communications Working Group
  • San Diego Microwave Network Adds Important New Client
  • Palm Beach County (Florida) ARES Day A Success
  • To read full letter, go to:   www.arrl.org/FandES/field/ares-el/?issue=2016-08-17
  • read full post

    The ARRL Letter August 11, 2016

    comments (4)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • New Hamvention Venue : "You Will Be Very Impressed," Chairman Assures
  • Growth in New Amateur Radio Licensees Ahead of Last Year's
  • Amateur Radio Sleuthing Pins Down Source of Strange RF Interference
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • Reminder : Youth in Amateur Radiosport Survey Ends August 31
  • HAARP Facility to Reopen in 2017 under New Ownership
  • Amateur Radio Plays Critical Role in Mountain Rescue
  • ARES® Day in Palm Beach County Recruits 15 New Members
  • New SO-50 Distance Record Set in Youth DX Adventure Contact
  • ARISS US Team to Host ARISS-International Summit
  • Tuskegee Airman, Congressional Gold Medal Recipient Julius T. Freeman, KB2OFY, SK
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read full letter, go to:   http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter?issue=2016-08-11
  • read full post

    NLE Support

    comments (5)
    Posted by dcarpenter

    National Level Mass Care Exercise Registration

    JCARES is participating in the NLE Mass Care exercise on Wednesday, August 24, 2016. It represents all aspects receiving, sheltering, and feeding evacuees from the eastern side of the state following a 7.7 earthquake in the NMSZ (New Madrid Seismic Zone). In a real world situation the KC area could receive as many as 250,000 evacuees.

    Eastern Jackson County and the City of Independence will operate an Evacuee Reception Center, 3 shelters, 2 Point of Distribution (PODs) and a feeding kitchen.

    The hours of operation will be from 8 am to 5 pm.

    Amateur radio will play a major role in the communications between the locations of the exercise. It is important that we can provide adequate staffing at the locations. VHF, UHF and APRS will play a part in addition to possibly some digital.

    Please click on the following link to register for this exercise:


    If you are unable to use the on-line registration please download the form from this link and email to <w0krf@att.net> NLE Registration Form

    Thank you

    Mike Bellinger, K0UAA JCARES EC

    read full post

    The ARRL Letter August 04, 2016

    comments (5)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • Good-Bye, Hara Arena! Dayton Hamvention Headed for Xenia in 2017
  • FCC Proposes Rule Changes in Response to ARRL's "Symbol Rate" Petition, Seeks Comment
  • The Doctor Will See You Now!
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • FCC Levies Fines on Radio Amateurs for Deliberate Interference
  • ARRL Expresses Support for All Activities that Strengthen Emergency Communications Infrastructure
  • FCC Seeks Comments on Waiver Request from Expert Linears
  • MARS Sets Interoperability Communications Exercise for August 15
  • Skyler Fennell, KD0WHB, is 2016 Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, Memorial Young Ham of the Year
  • Danish Ham-Cyclist Soon to be in Europe and Heading Home
  • ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference Extends Call for Papers
  • Fox-1B (RadFxSat) Nears Completion
  • Chatham Marconi Maritime Center Acquires "Creed Machine" from Georgia Radio Amateur
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions
  • To read full letter, go to:    http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter?issue=2016-08-04
  • read full post
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