The ARRL Letter March 017, 2016


  • ARRL Urges FCC Not to Impose Overbroad Notification Requirement on 2200 and 630 Meter Operation
  • ARES, SKYWARN Volunteers Respond to Heavy Rain, Flooding in Louisiana
  • Southern Florida ARES Volunteers Support Biennial Nuclear Power Plant Drill
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • ARRL Now on Instagram!
  • RFinder -- The Worldwide Repeater Directory -- Now Includes Coverage Maps
  • ARISS Marks its 1000th Contact!
  • Over the Horizon Radars Becoming Routine Visitors on Amateur HF Bands
  • National Hurricane Conference Amateur Radio Sessions to be Live Streamed
  • Young Connecticut Ham Off to an Award-Winning Start
  • Former DX QSL Manager Mary Ann Crider, WA3HUP, SK
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions and Events
  • To read full letter, go to:
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