The ARRL Letter January 28, 2016


  • Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, Will Succeed David Sumner, K1ZZ, as ARRL CEO
  • Hams Turn Out to Help as Massive Snowfall Stuns Several States
  • ARES Volunteers Support Major Flood Responses
  • Congressman Intercedes with FCC Chairman on Amateur Radio Interference Concerns
  • Former Colorado Section Manager Appointed as Rocky Mountain Division Vice Director
  • National Parks on the Air Update
  • A VHF Contest in January -- How Cool is That ?
  • Severe Weather Curtails VP8STI South Sandwich Operation; Team Heads to South Georgia
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions and Events
  • To read full letter go to:
  • Please add a comment

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