KC Northland ARES News

The ARRL Letter June 28, 2015

comments (2268)
Posted by wa0khp


  • FCC Eliminating Vanity Call Sign Fee
  • Amateur Radio Volunteers Muster for "Unprecedented" Weather Event
  • Nepal Now Has a Second Repeater in Operation
  • China Set to Launch Several Amateur Radio Satellites This Summer
  • ARRL Recognizing "Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award" Winners with Certificate
  • Got Grids? June VHF Contest is Just Ahead
  • QST Centennial Photo Contest Entry Window Open Until August 1
  • Fourteen US Schools/Groups on List to Host Ham Contacts with Space Station
  • USNA APRS/PSK31 CubeSats Up and Running
  • Nick Lance, KC5KBO, SK -- Prepared Astronauts to Become Radio Amateurs
  • In Brief...
  • Getting It Right!
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions and Events
  • To read full letter go to:    http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter?issue=2015-05-28
  • read full post

    The ARRL Letter May 21, 2015

    comments (230)
    Posted by wa0khp

    To read full letter go to:    http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter?issue=2015-05-21

    read full post

    The ARRL ARES E-Letter May 20, 2015

    comments (1567)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • Hurricane Season 2015
  • Pikes Peak ARES Has The Backs of Runners in Rugged Colorado Terrain
  • Wisconsin Triple Tornado Tabletop and Functional Exercise a Success with ARES
  • Free Spontaneous, Unaffiliated Volunteer Training and Exercise
  • Amateurs Support Three Mile Island Nuclear Plan Exercise
  • ARES Manual Updated
  • Letters: Use a Bow and Arrow to Get Wire Antennas Up
  • To read full letter go to:   www.arrl.org/FandES/field/ares-el/?issue=2015-05-20
  • read full post

    The ARRL Letter May 14, 2015

    comments (1722)
    Posted by wa0khp

    To read the full letter go to:   http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter?issue=2015-05-14

    read full post

    The ARRL Letter May 07, 2015

    comments (115)
    Posted by wa0khp


  • ARRL Wants FCC to "Do More Than Talk the Talk" in Millimeter Band Proceeding
  • Amateur Radio Continues to Provide Reliable Post-Quake Communication in Nepal
  • Amateur Radio Repeater from US Clears Customs in Nepal
  • ARRL Receives NPSTC Hertz Award
  • ARISS "Ham Video" Ground Station Tests Under Way
  • ARRL Now Offering Personalized ARRL Begali Paddle
  • Remotely Controlling VY1JA Station in Yukon Territory a Win-Win
  • Nominations Due by May 22 for 2015 Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award
  • ARRL Rookie Roundup SSB a Big Success
  • In Brief...
  • The K7RA Solar Update
  • Getting It Right!
  • Just Ahead in Radiosport
  • Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions and Events
  • To read the full letter go to:    http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter?issue=2015-05-07
  • read full post
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