Good afternoon all,
I have a First Aid and CPR training class scheduled for January 9, 2015 at the Platte County Resource Center EOC, 11724 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153 from 0800 to 1700. The class size on this will be set to 25. If you are interested please send you full name, your home email (this is how you will get your certificate) and your home address. I will forward all information to the instructors who will register you with American Red Cross.
I will ask that you plan on bringing a lunch and I will supply coffee, water and soda for the class. If you have any questions please contact me. This will qualify for CERT training for all CERT members. I would like to have all those who would like to sign up to the class have your information to me by December 31, 2015 by noon.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Michael O’Neal MOCEM KC0YSO
Deputy / Asst EM Coordinator
415 Third Street, Suite 10
Platte City, MO 64079
Office – 816.858.1966
Cell – 816.210.7082
Fax – 816.858.3230
IARU Praises WRC-15 Outcome Not to Consider Amateur Bands for Non-Amateur Satellites
ARES Briefs, Links
Hams Support Air Force Marathon (11/6/2015); Putting Contesting to Work for Your Public Service Team (10/30/2015); Amateur Radio to Have a Presence at National Tribal Assistance Coordination Group Workshop (10/27/2015); National Emergency Net Active as Category 5 Hurricane Patricia Nears Mexico (10/23/2015); Radio Amateurs in Mexico Prepare as Powerful Hurricane Patricia Nears Landfall(10/23/2015); Amateur Radio Was Part of Typhoon Koppu Response in the Philippines (10/19/2015)
To read full letter go to:
2015 SKYWARN Recognition Day
December 5, 2015, from 0000z to 2400z
SKYWARN Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League. It celebrates the contributions that volunteer SKYWARN radio operators make to the National Weather Service. During the day SKYWARN operators visit NWS offices and contact other radio operators across the world. Operation begins Friday evening at 6:00 PM local. Operators planning to attend the event
are requested to go to the link listed, pick a time and sign-up. Voice, Digital, and CW operations...
(SKYWARN is a trademark of Natl Wx Service)
There is no headline version of this months ARES E-Letter.
Full version available at:
First Aid and CPR classes are now available. check out the MENU link on the top right corner on the blue banner to learn more and register for classes on Aug 22nd and Aug 29th. We encourage all of our member to take the classes, THERE FREE
To read full letter go to:
To read the full letter go to:
From Eric Ramsy;
I recently attended a planning meeting for an event in which they requested ham radio support.
Web site for the event:
Location: Smithville Lake
Anticipated race participants: 1000
Anticipated crowd: 3000
Event Date: July 25
Mobile Command set up: Friday July 24 afternoon or evening and staff on Saturday July 25 from 7am to noon.
Additional ARES posts:
· Mobile Command – two to three
· one as a shadow in the event support car
· one or more at the bike turnaround
· one or more at the transition point in sailboat cove
See maps to get an idea of where these posts will be located.
Primary purpose is to assist with communication due to potential for radios to be too busy or not working. Especially if an emergency needs to be communicated.
So, need minimum of 5, prefer 8, 10, 12???
Thanks for considering. Please let me know if ARES can support this request.
Eric G. Ramsey
Courtesy of KC Star;
Beginning April 21, crews will rehabilitate 12 bridges along the Interstate 29 corridor between Interstates 435 and 635. The start date was delayed a day, awaiting material delivery, according to MoDOT.
The work will cause lane reductions, narrow lanes and ramp closures.
Motorists are urged to use alternate routes during the six months, including I-435 and U.S. 169.
Here is what will impact drivers:
▪ Two lanes of I-29 in each direction between Missouri 45/64th Street and 112th Street will remain open throughout the duration of the project.
▪ I-29 will be reduced to one lane in each direction at Missouri Route D/Cookingham Drive for 80 days.
▪ The ramp from eastbound Missouri 152 to southbound I-29 will close for the duration of the project.
▪ I-29 will narrow at bridge locations.
▪ There will be temporary closures on Route D/Cookingham Drive, 112th Street, Tiffany Springs Parkway, Barry Road, 72nd Street and Missouri 45/64th Street during off-peak hours.
To read the full letter go to:
To read the full letter go to:
SkyWarn will be using the 145.19 repeater for the foreseeable future. There is a 107.2 tone on the repeater. We would like as many people as possible to check in on Tuesday so we can check the coverage. I know it covers well into Johnson Co. but have not tested it in Wyandotte Co. The 146.70 repeater took a direct lightning strike last fall and has been out of service since. We are working on a replacement repeater and putting up the new antenna and hardline, but it probably will not be back until summer.
To read the full letter go to:
To read the full letter go to:
To read the full letter go to:
“Sheriff Mark Owen has announced that the spring class of the Sheriff’s Citizen’s Academy will start on March 24th, 2015 with a deadline for applications of March 10th, 2015. If you know of any family members or friends that would be interested in attending this academy please let them know that the applications can be found on our web site under Sheriff’s Citizens Academy link.”
Michael O'Neal MoCEM / KC0YSO
Deputy / Assistant EM Coordinator
Office - 816-858-1966
Fax - 816-858-3230
Cellular - 816-210-7082
Platte County is Storm Ready
The 2015 Clay County Storm Spotter Class has been Scheduled on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:00 PM-9:00 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
At: Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, 1600 State Highway A, Liberty, MO 64068
The NLARES will have a table and we volunteers.
The first change is that the Northland ARES weekly 2 meter voice net is now each Tuesday starting at 7:00 PM on 146.790 Repeater with a PL Tone of 107.2 This net is for the purpose of coordinating ARES activities, providing training to members, announcements concerning Amateur Radio activities, and the supporting Amateur Radio within the Kansas City area.
The second change is that our monthly meetings have moved and are now the first Thursday of each month at the Smithville Fire Department, 341 Park Drive, Smithville, MO 64089.
Hope to hear you on the air and see you at the meetings. 73